The Dark Sky Park on the island Møn and adjacent island Nyord is the first Dark Sky Park in Dennmark to be certified by the International Dark Sky Association.

More Dark Sky Parks are on the way, on Mandø and Anholt, and in the village Taarup, Fyn. 

A  Dark Sky Park is an area with an exceptional or distinguished quality of starry nights and a nocturnal environment that is specifically protected for its scientific, natural, or educational value, its cultural heritage, and/or public enjoyment.

The most important purpose of a Dark Sky Park is not to provide humans with entertainment. Even though it is a very nice experience to be able to see many stars, the milky way, and other beautiful night sky objects, the effects on ecosystems and biodiversity are much more important.

The association Dark Sky Denmark is working to expand the concept of small light pollution free areas to cover much larger parts of the country. This is a long process, which consists of several steps:

  • Identifying main sources of light pollution in an area
  • Encouraging businesses and residents to minimise their light pollution, even if they are located in a heavily light polluted area
  • Awarding businesses and residents who have managed their night time lighting well, and have a proven track record of improvement

There are no barriers to light pollution, so it spreads far beyond the source. 

Even a small improvement is helpful to the main objective, which is stopping the constantly increasing light pollution level in Denmark.